Women of Service,My HeartBelongs To You
Service With AnInfatuation
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viva cccp

every penny dropped into a have-a/leave-a from all continents and counters could not equal the worth - no tip too high - nay, naw, no way, no no. sum aggregate of the have-a/leave-as leaves disparity, if from formal blue news plastic or improvisational paper cups of underpaid custard-twirlers, 'tween the weight of cash value and beauty. mountainous mountain of potential pennies weighs crushing and scales scaled, scaled.

tattoo runs interference low and visible, guards and blues crack jokes and compliments, laughs she with them also together - word chatty out of familiarity, sure, hours past doubled-armed attention and oh cutey, oh security, oh necessity. the joviality is the reason for the position, looks too, but all the others across the span across (remember? from before - the first sentence?) could not equal the one copper sliver of the comparison of worth for her, for her.

checkout is suspected of being slightly suspect, yet circumspects conclusions. a finishing detail carves coda better, unbelievable, fantastic - "it'd be better if she pronounced it the russian way," said.

da - in internal agreement becoming fact - da.

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